Trencin region
Discover all hidden treasures from different corners of our region.
Number of results: 851
Povazsky Inovec will be fascinated by Trenčín by its power and from Považie to the long ridges and deep waves. The mountain is 48 kilometers long,…
In the congress hall of the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK), the first year of the Vrchárska koruna Trenčianska (VKT) cycling and tourism project…
For myjavan kopanice are mainly gazdovské cottages. However, one cottage in Švancarová dolina in the area of Jablonka village is completely…
. Photo competition "Trenčiansky kraj cez fotoobjektív" from the regional organization of tourism (KOCR) Trenčín Region recognizes its winners.…
The castle barracks of the Trenčín Castle filled the unique models of world-famous buildings, fairy tale characters or entire cities. Unique is the…
Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) The Trenčín region evaluated its summer geocaching game called STURIZMUS. An entertaining game designed to…
The Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region announced on June 15, 2016, a photo contest called "Trenčiansky kraj cez fotoobjektiv " ,…
The last October Saturday in the Qatar Dohe was awarded for the best world hotels. Prestigious award World Luxury hotel awards this year …
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