Dubnica nad Váhom



26th Dubnický folklore festival

21. 08. 2019 - 25. 08. 2019

Date nad time

Wednesday 21. August 2019 -
Sunday 25. August 2019
in Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


Dubnica nad Váhom
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom

26. ročník Dubnického folklórneho festivalu
26. ročník Dubnického folklórneho festivalu

26th Dubnický folklore festival

After a year, the town of Dubnica will once again transform the city into a mecca of folklore in the region from 21 to 25 August 2019. In addition to the classic rich accompanying program such as traditional markets, folk dances and songs and the promotion of regional culture, there are also some nice news waiting for you, which may result in the festival experiencing the best year ever!

The individual program blocks are located for the first time in the centralized main zone of the city. The manor house, the city park and the stage in front of OD ABC will come to life with folklore. The Fair will be used again, which will be specially prepared for craftsmen and folklore groups. Those who prefer a quieter environment will be able to sit at night in the manor house with dulcimer music. You can experience this and much more, so do not hesitate and support the folklore culture in Dubnice nad Váhom with your presence.

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Address Dubnica nad Váhom
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom


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