


Concert Juraj Hnilica Band

26. 05. 2019

19:00 - 22:00

Date nad time

Sunday 26. May 2019
19:00 - 22:00


Farská 84/5
019 01 Ilava

Koncert Juraj Hnilica Band
Koncert Juraj Hnilica Band

Concert Juraj Hnilica Band

Juraj Hnilica, the founder and frontman of the rock band Bačová fujara, became more widely known to music fans thanks to his performance in the Czech Republic Slovakia has Talent 2015 competition, where he attracted not only the jury with his own song Aká si krásna. After the competition, Juraj released the solo film Let Me Introduce Me.

After a two-year hiatus, which Juraj filled with concerts and musical accompaniment by the writer Pavel “Hirax” Baričák at his motivational lectures, the sympathetic Martinčan was reminded with a new album called Slnečný ..., which he released in 2017. You can hear his work on several Slovak radio stations. .

Now you have the opportunity to attend his concert! The event will take place on May 26, 2019, so do not hesitate and buy your ticket today.

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Address Farská 84/5
019 01 Ilava


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