Trencin region
Discover all hidden treasures from different corners of our region.
Number of results: 851
On Saturday, March 25, 2017, the historic dominance of the Trenčín Region is also part of the world's largest environmental campaign called …
Traditional Culture Center at Myjave is focused on traditional culture and heritage in the Myjavian region. It also includes preserving the values…
Prievidza district has several of the most - in the Trenčín region it is the largest, the most populous and dominates also in terms of number of…
By the beginning of the tourist season Trenčiansky hrad undergoes several changes. . On Friday, March 10, 2017, four directors of the entities in…
Under the slogan that everything is worthwhile, we bring the long-awaited second part of the spa series. Or if you want a more expressive message - …
On Tuesday, March 7, 2017, an introductory conference was held in the historical premises of the renaissance castle Burg in Považie Podhradie, the …
From time to time, love goes through the stomach, but in recent years gastronomy has become a real fashion hit. He is experiencing the Renaissance.…
Over the past weekend, traditional fašiang celebrations took place in several towns and villages. Those Trenčiansko-Teplice were carried in a…
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