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Night in tree crowns

The spa town of Trencianske Teplice boasts a new, unique attraction. You can spend the night in the embrace of nature right in the trees.

The house on the tree, The Treehouse is another accommodation option in Trenčianske Teplice suitable for families with children who want to experience adventure in the woods, as well as for couples looking for a romantic night spent in an unusual place. The house is set on three solid beech trees and is situated in a forest in close proximity to the spa park.

This unusual abode was solemnly opened on August 18, 2017 . The band was jointly cut by the Mayor of Štefan Škultéty and the investor Marián Pavlík. "The town of Trenčianske Teplice welcomes the interest of the investor to open such a form of accommodation in Teplice, which is unique in our entire region. For this reason, we have helped him in every way. I think this work has succeeded and I want to cordially invite everyone to try it, " said Štefan Škultéty, Mayor of Trenčianske Teplice.

The Treehouse is tastefully and cosily furnished and offers accommodation for up to 4 people. The cottage has one double and one double bed. In addition to comfortable furnishings, the house also offers a spacious terrace with wooden sitting and separate bathroom facilities. It is also special to have breakfast served by the visitor in a picnic basket and pulling them directly onto the terrace by rope. The breakfast basket content will be primary food from local manufacturers. Season of operation of the cottage is officially set from 1 May to 31 October, but according to the operator, everything depends on the weather.

"I am very pleased that our region is not in the new trends and can boast such an extraordinary attraction." Thanks to such ideas, one of our most beautiful spa resorts is even more attractive, " stated the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region Eva Frývaldská .

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