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The pilgrimage site hosted a spiritual concert

On the first Sunday of June, an extraordinary project of international cooperation of border regions - Zlínský, Trenčianske and Nitrianske - started in the Rock Sanctuary on Mount Butkov.

Musica Cordis - Music to the heart. This is the name of the musical-spiritual creation for pilgrims on Mount Butkov, in which Hradišťan performed together with Jiří Pavlica on Sunday, June 2, 2019. In addition to them, the gospel choir from Nová Dubnica, The Gospel Family, also performed at Butkov Mountain, and the leading opera singer and soloist of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, Gustáv Beláček, also contributed to the authentic atmosphere.

The concert at Mount Butkov was the first of four performances that are part of a spiritual network supporting the historical legacy of the faithful Cyril and Methodius. Jaroslav Baška, the mayor of Trenčín, also accepted the invitation together with the deputies of the Trenčín self-governing regional council, Jozef Habánik and Ján Bielik. At the end of June, Svatý Hostýn will also welcome musical-spiritual creation, the third in a row will be a concert in Velehrad, the last performance will take place in Nitra in September.

Text and photo: Odd. communication and international relations of TSK

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