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Visitors to Trenčín Castle have once again exceeded historical records

In 2016, the Trenčiansky Castle visited almost 12,000 more visitors than in 2015, despite the fact that in October it was open to the public only during weekends.

The historical dominance of Trencin is more and more popular every year. In 2016 Vah and Tatti Matouš's Castle, Trenčín's Point saw a record 122,000 visitors, an increase of 11,862 visitors compared to the previous year. This number still does not count the number of visitors for the last month of 2016.

The annual visit to the Trenčín Castle, which is managed by the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín in the founding area of ​​the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK), exceeds the threshold of 100,000 visitors since 2014. While in 2014 it was 104 thousand visitors, in 2015 the annual castle traffic exceeded 110 thousand visitors. Every year, the historical dominance of Trenčín is becoming more attractive for tourists. The highest occupancy of the castle in 2016 was like last years during the summer months. In July, the castle saw more than 25,000 visitors, and the same number of visitors saw the castle in August. During the months from May to August, the Castle saw a record 81,630 visitors, an increase of 6,938 visitors, compared with the same period of the previous year, when the castle visited 74,692 visitors. Most visitors viewed the castle in August - 25,409 visitors.

The second favorite tourist destination in 2016 was the Katov House

Apart from the historical dominant of Trencin, the Trencian Museum is also the manager of 6 other buildings that enjoyed higher traffic in 2016 than in 2015. This year all the buildings saw 6 643 more visitors - in 2015 it was 133 033 visitors And this year 139,676 people .

One of the objects in the administration of the Trenčín Museum is the Katov House, which became the second most visited building after the Trenčín Castle. In 2015, the hometown of the town was the second favorite tourist destination of the Birthplace of Ľudovít Štúra and Alexandra Dubček in the village of Uhrovec, which is also managed by the Trenčín Museum. However, this year was overtaken by Katov House, who finished third in the number of visits last year. In the year 2016, Katov House saw 4 571 visitors, while Rodný dom Ľ. Štúra and A. Dubcek 4 196 visitors. Other objects in the administration of the museum are Župný dom and Karner sv. Michala in Trenčín, Podjavorinské museum in Novy Meste nad Váhom, Draškovičov manor house in Čachtice and Ľudmily Podjavorinsky memorial room in Bzincie pod Javorinou.

Once again a record entrance to the castle

Trenčianske múzeum ako správca Trenčianskeho hradu vybralo na vstupné v roku 2016 sumu okolo 403 tisíc eur (nie je započítaná vstupná cena za december 2016), čo predstavuje nárast o vstupné oproti minulému roku o 61 470 eur. Since November 2016, the entrance fee even dropped from the original EUR 5.50 to EUR 5, the higher choice of entry to the Trenčín Castle reflects the record-breaking visit of the castle.

Apart from opening the reconstructed historic castle barracks building and removing the metal structure before joining the castle in November this year, the reconstruction of the Tower Tower of Trenčín will start in 2017. The entire reconstruction project will be co-funded under the Reconstruction Challenge, which was announced by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. Trenčín Museum in Trenčín as administrator of the Trenčín Castle will also be partially renovated in 2017 in the administrative building, greenhouse.

Source: TSK
Photo by Tomas Turis

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