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Art competition "Matúšov brush"

15. 10. 2021 - 14. 11. 2021

Date nad time

Friday 15. October 2021 -
Sunday 14. November 2021, every day


Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčíne
Mierové námestie č.46
91250 Trenčín

Výtvarná súťaž "Matúšov štetec"
Výtvarná súťaž "Matúšov štetec"

Art competition "Matúšov brush"

The Trenčín Museum in Trenčín has prepared an art competition for pupils and students. They will paint Matúš Čák Trenčianský and his castle

This year is in the spirit of the 700th anniversary of the death of Lord Váh and the Tatras, so the theme of the competition is related to this comment. Schools can help with this topic by visiting Trenčín Castle, especially by visiting the exhibition "Lord of Vah and the Tatras". Pupils will gain important information that can serve as a basis for their creation - they can be inspired by pictures or historical events, which they read about on the displayed banners. The best works will be exhibited at Trenčín Castle in the barracks. The competition will take place from 15.10. to 14.11.2021

More information about the conditions of the competition can be found HERE

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Address Mierové námestie č.46
91250 Trenčín


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