


Art spectrum 2019 - 56th year of the national competition of non-professional art

06. 09. 2019 - 29. 09. 2019

Date nad time

Friday 06. September 2019 -
Sunday 29. September 2019, every day


Trenčín castle
Matúšova 19
91250 Trenčín

Výtvarné spektrum 2019 –  56. ročník celoštátnej súťaže neprofesionálnej výtvarnej tvorby
Výtvarné spektrum 2019 –  56. ročník celoštátnej súťaže neprofesionálnej výtvarnej tvorby

Art spectrum 2019 - 56th year of the national competition of non-professional art

Nationwide competition and exhibition of non-professional art Creation Art Spectrum is a top event of its kind in Slovakia. The competition continues the long-standing successful tradition of the Umělená Dubnica competition event, which was established in 1963 in Dubnice nad Váhom. The main goal of the competition is to acquire knowledge, develop skills and artistic-professional growth of individuals through the knowledge, realization and presentation of artistic creation in the field of non-professional artistic creation.

The exhibition will take place in the exhibition space of the barracks in the area of Trenčín Castle.

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Address Matúšova 19
91250 Trenčín


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