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Number of results: 801

Vyšehrad promotes spa cooperation

Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region is a partner of the project called "Vyšehrad in Spa" (Visegrad in SPA). The project is organized…

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Divo Doctor - Fraňa Madva

On the occasion of the 230th anniversary of the birth of a prominent healer, priest, botanist, native and native - Fraňa Madvu - organized a seminar…

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KOCR Trenčín region on the Open Doors Day of the Trenčín County

The third edition of the Door Open Days (DOD) at the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK) was carried out in green - in the spirit of the idea of…

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Select the CYCLOBUS route and win the bike

Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj in cooperation with Slovak Bus Transport (SAD) Trenčín, as plans to introduce the possibility to transport bicycles on…

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A new educational walkway on the Upper Povi

Natural monuments in the cadastral area of ​​Upper Moštenc - Small and Big Dark Cave enjoy a lot of visitors. However, there is a lack of…

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Trenčiansky hrad dominated the spirit of the Slovak Presidency in the Council of the EU

The first autumn day was celebrated at the Trenčín Castle by the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Regional Tourism…

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The Slovak Presidency of the Council of Europe will also be hosting the Trenčiansky Castle

ESKaEU are smiling together - the common goals, visions and priorities of the presidency and its regions in relation to the European Union. These…

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The Trenčiansky polmaratón has more than 300 runners

"Do not try to overcome others but yourself!" The third year of the Trenčianský polmaratón was in this slogan. The race run on Sunday, September 11,…

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