Dolná Mariková


Light rain

Let's return harmony to life

11. 11. 2018

13:00 - 16:00

Date nad time

Sunday 11. November 2018
13:00 - 16:00


Dolná Mariková
01802 Dolná Mariková

Vráťme harmonike život
Vráťme harmonike život

Let's return harmony to life

Enjoying your day with music is always the right choice.

If you belong to the faithful fans of this lovely musical instrument, the "Coming back harmonica life" event is for you as creative. The 6th annual concert of harmonicans and helicopters will take place on Sunday, November 11, 2018, at the Cultural House in Dolna Marikova, beginning at 13.00.

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Address Dolná Mariková
01802 Dolná Mariková


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