

Light rain

Folklore festival In the Polish village

27. 05. 2023

13:00 - 18:00

Date nad time

Saturday 27. May 2023
13:00 - 18:00


Števke dom
972 16 Poluvsie

Folklórny festival V poluskej dedine
Folklórny festival V poluskej dedine

Folklore festival In the Polish village

The heart of Upper Nitrian folklore - the village of Poluvsie invites you to the traditional May folklore festival In the Poluska village, which will be held on Saturday, May 27, 2023. The 5th year in a row offers a rich program and diverse accompanying events full of singing, dancing and entertainment.

The right folklore atmosphere will be created by the main program starting at 2 p.m. with the presentation of the traditional folklore of the home village by FSk Lubená and DFS Malá Lubená . Village folklore from other regions of Slovakia will be brought to the audience by members of the folklore group Dobrona from Dobra Niva, the Svrčinovci from Seliec and the Jánošíček folklore group from Brno.

The young musicians of DFS Malá Lubená will play rhythmic melodies from Poluvsia in the dance school under the guidance of ethnologist Zuzana Strečanská and pedagogue Martina Richter. All kinds of goodies, tasty specialties and a wide range of folk products will be offered by the craft fair on the market square from 1 p.m. There will be demonstrations of the traditional crafts of tinsmiths, corriders and embroiderers. Visitors will be able to participate free of charge in the creative workshops of making ceramics, weaving carpets and gypsy fabrics, but also felting or spinning sheep's wool. In addition to the hand-powered wooden carousel for the little ones, a horse-drawn carriage will accompany the guests through the village. The festival will also be complemented by an exhibition of firefighting equipment used from 1900 to today.

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Address Števke dom
972 16 Poluvsie