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The summer photo competition "Sun in the lens" knows its winners

The circle of photo competitions according to the seasons was closed by the fourth, summer photo competition called "Sun in the lens". The announcer of the photo competition, the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region, appealed to the success of the previous three competitions focused on beautiful pictures of the Trenčín region. Thanks to them, the general public had the opportunity to get involved and win attractive prizes. From 10 July 2019 to 11 August 2019, the public became involved by sending summer-themed photographs, and from 14 August 2019 to 10 September 2019, the public tried their luck at winning. Which of the 15 advancing photos chose the 3 best.

The new category gave the younger a chance to succeed

On Tuesday, August 13, an expert jury consisting of professional photographers selected 15 advancing photographs out of a total of 64 submitted photographs from 29 photographers. A total of 228 participants then took part in the voting. Younger students under the age of 18 also got a particularly chance to succeed, from which the jury selected 3 winners from 17 photographers. Together, they submitted 39 photos to the competition.

"We also decided to motivate special photography enthusiasts, who fall into the category up to 18 years, especially to motivate. We are pleased that they have accepted the change in the rules positively and seized the opportunity. We are happy to support young talents with potential who want to develop their abilities and skills, " added Eva Frývaldská, Executive Director of KOCR Trenčín Region.

New owners of valuable prizes

The photo called "Sídlisková romantika", taken by Peter Sobek, received the most votes. This allows you to enjoy the new Instax Mini 9, which can create enchanting images while you wait. The second winner is Mária Trúchla , who for the photo "Views" wins a voucher for a dinner for 2 people in the restaurant Dubno in Nová Dubnica. The three winners are closed by Martin Mezei with a photo "Reflection of the Sun", for which he earned a free family ticket to Beckov Castle.

Winners from the under-18 category also receive valuable donations from the competition announcer. 1st place went to "Slnečná brána" by Mariana Sluková , 2nd place belongs to the photo "Trenčiansky hrad" by Kristína Novosádová and the trio is closed by Tomáš Jakuš with the depiction of "Sun in hand".

Three winners from a series of voters were subsequently selected through a generator. Ema Trúchla, Gabriela Tuhelová and Janka Prnová can look forward to valuable prizes from the announcer of the competition. All winners will be contacted and notified of the win via email.

All photos have a chance to contribute to the promotion of tourist attractions of the Trenčín region and can be used on the website of KOCR Trenčín region, in the bimonthly "Trenčín region", in printed promotional materials, publications or PR articles.

In Trenčín, September 16, 2019

Text: MT

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