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Summer reading room in Trenčín

An oasis of peace on Jaselská Street will grow in the historic center of Trenčín for the eighth time. Readers can visit the Trenčín Library with a number of inspiring periodicals every working day. The service is available free of charge. In a revitalized environment with ornamental greenery and new furniture, the public can once again look forward to the traditional wooden holders for printed matter, reminiscent of props from the original reading room, which has been part of the library information services since January 1937.

The summer reading room will be open every working day from 6 June to 2 September from 10:00 to 18:00. "We tailored the offer of newspapers, magazines and leisure magazines to both adult and children's visitors. Thanks to marketing partnerships with several Slovak and foreign publishers, we can provide them with almost forty interesting titles, " said Gabriela Krokvičková, director of the M. Rešetka Public Library in Trenčín. The reading menu also includes regional periodicals. The open-air library project was launched in June 2014. The location in the historic city center fulfills a leisure and cognitive function. It has also proved to be a venue for discussions with personalities of cultural life. This year, before the holidays, it will host a presentation of a new Trenčín legend by Vlad Kulíšek connected with the evaluation of the 58th year of the inter-school competition "Let's all read, reading is great".

Text: Peter Martinák, Photo: VKMR

You can find more information HERE

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Address Hasičská 119/1
911 01 Trenčín


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