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Castle in the flames

28. 04. 2019

Date nad time

Sunday 28. April 2019
all day long


Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov

Hrad v plameňoch
Hrad v plameňoch

Castle in the flames

290 years ago, a tragic event occurred in the history of Beckov Castle. The fire, which has spread from the village of Beckov and the castle, burned it down and from that moment the castle became a ruin. The program titled "The Castle in the Flame" wants to point out in a fun and instructive way to the danger of fire. In cooperation with local fire brigades, we have prepared for you a presentation of the current fire protection technique, various competitions such as a live chain with the yield of a wooden tower on the upper castle as well as an evening fire show.

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Address Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov


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