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How Stibor saved Queen Mary

21. 08. 2020 - 22. 08. 2020

Date nad time

Friday 21. August 2020 -
Saturday 22. August 2020
in Friday, Saturday


Beckov castle
Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov

Ako Stibor kráľovnú Máriu zachránil
Ako Stibor kráľovnú Máriu zachránil

How Stibor saved Queen Mary

Comedy fiction evening tour of the castle performed by the theater From Little Rome. The story reveals the secret of the abduction of Queen Mary and her rescue by the brave Duke Stibor of Stiborice, lord of Beckov Castle.

On Fridays and Saturdays there are performances at 20:00, 21:00, 22:00. In case of great interest, the tour will also be at 23:00. ADMISSION Adults: 6 € Student, pensioner, disabled: 4.50 € The number of tickets for the performance is limited to 100 people per tour.

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