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The winner of the 6th edition of the TOP GASTRO establishment poll in the Trenčín Region for 2022 is known!

The survey TOP GASTRO facilities in the Trenčín Region, which is announced annually by the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region, has its winners! Who deserved this award was again decided by the public in the 6th year of voting.

The general public could nominate their favorite device throughout November. December belonged to the vote.

It was possible to vote for the best restaurant, bistro, cafe, pastry shop or bar between December 1 and 31, 2022 via an electronic form on the website of the poll publisher www.trencinregion.sk. A total of 2,060 voters used this option, who had the opportunity to assign their vote to one of the 154 nominated facilities .

"The current year of the awards was exceptional in that almost twice as many facilities were nominated compared to previous years of the competition. We see this as a sign that even after a difficult period for the gastro sector, new establishments with a high level of services are still being created, and customers can appreciate that," explained the executive director of KOCR Trenčín region, Eva Dudová Frývaldská .

The voting results were close, the traditional cuisine enchanted

The winner was decided by 182 votes and it became the restaurant Conti from Trenčianská Tepla , which is known for its traditional honest cuisine. The Ellis confectionery from Bánoviec nad Bebravou took second place with 166 votes. The bronze rank was taken by the confectionary called Ona pecie z Trenčín, which was voted for by 143 satisfied visitors.

All those who took part in the nomination and online voting were entered into a draw for a valuable prize - a €200 voucher to the Möbelix store network. You can find the recording of the draw on the social network Facebook, we will contact the winner.

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