On the third Sunday of June, the Slovak and Czech top cyclists competed in the district towns and adjacent local governments for the championship title within the Joint Championships of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic in road cycling.
The 22nd year of this important cycling sport event took the xRoad Bánovce nad Bebravou Civic Association under its thumb, which brought it to cycling enthusiasts in cooperation with the Trenčín self-governing region, the city and both cycling associations. "I want to thank all the organizers, sponsors, volunteers, firefighters and police for the excellent organization and the course of the whole event. Of course, I congratulate the winner Peter Sagan and wish him to continue to do so in this phenomenal way, " thanked Jaroslav Baška, the mayor of Trenčín, and congratulations were sent to the other winners in addition to the biggest star of the race.
In the fan zone, right in the heart of the race, there was a representation of the regional tourism organization (KOCR) Trenčín region. In addition to unique sports experiences, cycling lovers could take away information materials from the event with an overview of the tourist attractions of the Trenčín region, current cycling maps and nice cycling-themed gifts, which were available at the KOCR Trenčín region presentation stand.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations of TSK
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