welcomein Trenčín Region

Discover all hidden treasures
from different corners of our region.



slightly cloudy

Number of results: 852

We do not even know what we have at home-icon

We do not even know what we have at home

Imagine an ideal summer day. In the morning, a hearty breakfast, water, a bumble bee, some sweets, a rabbit, the brave one of the plums and the…

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The new Exposition of the Vlastivedný Museum reveals the life of the ancestors in the Marikovská valley-icon

The new Exposition of the Vlastivedný Museum reveals the life of the ancestors in the Marikovská valley

Horná Marikova

In July, the patriotic museum in Považská Bystrica, in the founding area of ​​the Trenčín Self-governing Region, opened a permanent exhibition of…

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Added 400 km of new cyclotourism-icon

Added 400 km of new cyclotourism

Cyclists and tourists will navigate this year with more than 400 km of renewed cyclotourism. In addition, the small cycling infrastructure will be…

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Pedro returned home-icon

Pedro returned home

Great Javorina is a hill known for tourists in the White Carpathians, which offers a great view of the wider landscape. From an altitude of 970 m…

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The gift was given to Trenčín-icon

The gift was given to Trenčín

. . . The hot summer days are more and more akin to the seaside. Temperatures above 30 degrees in the shade automatically expel people to water.…

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Domina Tatarka does not forget the natives-icon

Domina Tatarka does not forget the natives

An important native of the region is the writer Dominik Tatarko. He saw the light of the world in the village Plevnik-Drienová and grew up in one of…

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In the footsteps of the past-icon

In the footsteps of the past

Castle Čachtice . Behind the bloody stalk . A ruin that has the reputation of a bloody broom. Her story has been written several times in books…

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Coolness in Trenčín was experienced by thousands of people-icon

Coolness in Trenčín was experienced by thousands of people


In the area of ​​the airport, on 6 - 9 July 2017, the next edition of the internationally famous multi-genre festival took place. Only a few events…

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