Trenčianske múzeum v Trenčíne, in the founding area of Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj, opened a new permanent exhibition at Trenčiansky hrad. The exhibition is located on the lower castle and bears the name Hunger - Teufelsturm, which means "Diablo Tower". The ceremonial opening of the exhibition took place on 13 May 2016 and from now on the Hladomorne space is made available to visitors as part of the castle's touring circuit.
The building in which Hladomorňa - Teufelsturm is located is also known as the "Royal Tower". It is a defensive cylindrical bastion that was built by King Zigmund Luxemburský in the first third of the 15th century and until now has been unused for a long time. That is why the idea came to revive this space and reveal its alleged function in the past.
The exposition is devoted to "The Right of the Sword", ie torture and execution during the Middle Ages. The visitor can thus see replicas of torture tools specially made for the Trenčín Museum. In addition to exposed coercive measures, the Hladomorne premises have a nearly 9 m deep room with a diameter of 7 m and a single inlet of approximately 45 x 45 cm. The room allegedly served as a famine, intended for people sentenced to death by famine. "But there is no evidence and no record that a person has been tortured by hunger, it has served to intimidate," the employee of Trenčín Museum Ján Žovinec said. Inside the room was a stone bed and inscriptions on the walls. According to Martin Bonn, the room was not exposed to weather conditions and is therefore preserved in its original state without the necessary reconstruction intervention.
The visitor can read about the practices of the medieval justice and the punishments at the time at the time. Described is obesity, squabbling, sticking, bumping or burning. It also explains the mitigation and intensification of the death penalty. For those who want an authentic experience of a visit to a martyr, they can try to find out what it is like to keep them closed to the prospect that is made available to the martyr.
The themes of torture are planned at the Trenčín Castle during the summer program. Night tours with a narrative of the story of a cat named Kat Jakub are prepared. From May 28, 2016, the exhibition "Torture - Medieval Justice" will be opened in the lower bastions of the bastion.
For more information contact: Ing. Petra Slabá, regional tourism organization Trenčín region, To the lower station 7282/20 A, Trenčín, e-mail:; Tel .: +421 901 918 855
Petra Slabá / 19 May 2016
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